Jayne Willoughby Coaching


"Everybody should have a coach. It's an essential part of life….Who are we to think we can manage in life without a coach?"
~Ben Zander

Coaching is NOT about focussed advice-giving, problem-solving, teaching, consulting, or therapy.  

If you are a professional who has reached an acceptable  level of success, there are few places where you can speak freely about yourself and of your challenges in performing at the next level, and to greater potential.  Coaching IS about working closely with a trained professional coach, for a short period of time, on specific goals and aspirations which you identify.  The focus is on defining what your goals and aspirations are and making them become reality for you. 

Anyone who has worked with a trained coach can attest to the value of that relationship on their performance and attitude.  You can learn positive strategies for managing difficult situations in the work place and in your personal life.  You can learn to stop the treadmill long enough to assess what your greatest needs are.  You can learn to put yourself at the top of your priority list.

Shed the "heaviness" of your days and find the joy and freedom to do what your really want to do.

I want you to feel excited about your life and perform like a champion! 

I believe that coaching can help you with positive growth and I'm commited to helping you find a coach who is a good "fit" for you.  Contact me to discuss what your coaching needs are and what I can offer you.

Do you have questions for Jayne?  Get In Touch